+264 (0)61 234 081LCE@lce.com.na

Community Based Management

Community Based Management

In cooperation with Miriam Truebody Development Consultant (MTDC)LCE has extensive experience in the fields of Community Based Management (CBM) Training, capacity building and the implementation of community-driven projects. LCE and MTDC have together successfully completed several community-driven construction projects, where community participation, training and capacity building were carried out simultaneously with large civil and structural construction works.

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LCE has undertaken numerous projects which incorporate the following different aspects of CBM:comm 2 1184507890408

  • Population and household surveys
  • Incorporating community input into the planning of infrastructure
  • Planning and placement of water point installations
  • Facilitation of the election of community management committees and caretakers
  • Training of the elected community management committees and caretakers
  • Coordination of community-based construction with the full involvement of rural and urban squatter communities on water and sanitation projects
  • Facilitating the hand over of completed infrastructure to beneficiary communities