LCE was appointed to this project, carried out under the CuveWaters initiative, by the Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUD), in partnership with the MAWF in the Namibian Government. The purpose of this project was to pilot test small desalination units for the treatment of saline ground water abstracted from boreholes and provided to remote rural communities for domestic and livestock consumption in the central north of Namibia. The TUD prepared and designed solar powered, modular, containerised desalination units which were manufactured in Germany and shipped to Namibia. LCE prepared the designs for the civil works and structures, being support slabs and structural trusses and supports for the solar arrays, as well as the connecting pipework, compiled the tender specifications and drawings to locally used standards, and carried out the tender administration and adjudication on behalf of the MAWF. The construction tender for the civil works was awarded to a Namibian contractor, to the value of N$ 5 million (excluding the desalination units and solar arrays provided from Germany) and construction work is complete, for which LCE performed the construction supervision and contract administration on behalf of the project. These units are now operational and providing potable water to the beneficiary communities at Amarika and Akutsima in the Omusati Region.
Location: Omusati Region
Project Value: N$ 5 million (civil works only)
Completion: 2010
Commencement: 2009