This is the fourth water master plan study LCE has been involved with for NamWater. Very similar in content to the other Master Water Plans, this project investigated the condition and capacity of NamWater’s supply schemes in the Central Area of Namibia. LCE served as a sub-consultant to a Joint Venture formed between Seelenbinder Consulting Engineers and Aurecon Namibia. LCE was responsible for investigating NamWater’s schemes in the Waterberg (or former Hereroland) Area and performed physical infrastructure assessments and capacity determinations for one water purification plant, 7 boreholes, 9 pump stations and 688 km of pipelines. A WaterCAD hydraulic model was prepared to investigate the capacity sufficiency of this infrastructure and propose the necessary upgrades and extensions, for which cost estimates were prepared. These activities were described in a detailed report submitted and summarised in a Power Point presentation delivered to NamWater.
Location: Central Area of Namibia
Completion: 2011