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Okavango River To Grootfontein Pipeline Link To The Eastern National Water Carrier

Project Description





Water Transfer Consultants (WTC) was formed as a joint venture partnership between LCE, Bicon Namibia and Parkman Namibia, to undertake this Feasibility Study on the transfer of water from the Okavango River at Rundu to the Eastern National Water Carrier (canal) at Grootfontein. Undertaken for the Department of Water Affairs of the MAWF of the Government of Namibia, this Study initially updated the earlier Central Area Water Master Plan Study insofar as the historic water demands and water demand forecasts were concerned. This lead to the determination of the water transfer requirements, and the preliminary design of a 250 km long, 700 mm diameter pipeline, to transfer 0.55 m3/s at 400 m static head, with four booster pump stations and river outlet works. A risk assessment and cost estimate were prepared, as well as financial and economic analyses on the preliminary design. An environmental assessment was also carried out to determine the impact of the proposed pipeline as well as the impact on the Okavango River and Delta, resulting from the proposed abstraction of water at Rundu. This study was concluded with the publication of a report in 6 volumes in August 1997. This project was never implemented, as following completion of the Feasibility Study Report in 1997, the drought conditions experienced in Namibia over the previous two years abated.

Location: Central Namibia

Completion: 1997